
A tax break that’s not on the hit list

The battle over the Ottawa’s proposedtaxchanges is really heating up. Numerous groups have already lined up against the plan, including those representing doctors, lawyers, farmers, and small business owners. The Conservatives have latched on to the proposals as a wedge issue they believe can swing votes in their direction. Even some Liberal MPs have publicly […]


Be prepared for Bank of Canada to raise interest rates

For months the consensus has been that interest rates in Canada would remain stable right into 2018. Now Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz and his colleagues are dropping broad hints that the central bank will move a lot sooner, perhaps as early as next Wednesday’s meeting. The loonie has responded accordingly, topping $0.77 (U.S.) […]


Shopify is number one

By Gordon Pape At the start of the year, I was invited to participate in a survey by that asked 100 analysts and newsletter writers for their top growth picks for 2017. My choice was Shopify (TSX, NYSE: SHOP), a young company that focuses on providing on-line marketing solutions at a reasonable price for […]