Automotive Properties REIT is focused on owning and acquiring income-producing automotive dealership properties located in Canada. The portfolio currently consists of 66 income-producing commercial properties, representing approximately 2.5 million square feet of gross leasable area, in most of the largest cities in six provinces – including the three largest of Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. The brands sold by the dealerships that lease the land vary from Porsche, Mercedes, Lexus, and BMW to Nissan, Hyundai, Chrysler, and GM.
Income Investor
With its share price up 20% over the last year, and 13% over five years before distributions, Automotive Properties has been one of the better-performing REITs, reflecting a wide range of different brands and wide geographical spread of its properties, adding three or four a year. Buy now. - Gavin Graham
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APR.UN was first recommended here on December 26, 2021