Crombie REIT is 41.5% owned by Empire Co. Ltd., the owner of Sobeys and Safeway supermarkets. Major new developments include the reopening of Avalon Mall in St John’s, Newfoundland and Davie Street in Vancouver. Similar to Choice Properties, Crombie is moving into residential development with 2,027 units in Davie Street and two new developments in Montreal (Le Duke) and Oakville (Bronte village). It is developing its third customer fulfilment centre (CFC) for Empire’s Voilà ecommerce delivery rollout in Calgary following earlier rollouts in Toronto and Montreal.
Income Investor
Crombie pays a monthly distribution of $0.0742 ($0.89 annually) and yields 6.5% at current prices. Morningstar Research gives Crombie a fair value estimate of $15.06, which is 8.5% higher than the current price. - Adam Mayers
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CRR.UN was first recommended here on July 25, 2013