AT&T is the largest telecom company in the U.S. It provides services in some 225 countries and territories and employs 243,000 people. It is one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. The company has gone through some major upheavals in recent years, the most significant being its 2018 acquisition of Time Warner in an attempt to become a top-tier content provider. That blunder ended in 2022 when the company spun off the renamed WarnerMedia.
Wealth Builder
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Income Investor
The current quarterly payment is $0.2775 ($1.11 per year) to yield 4.6%. Dividends are subject to a 15% withholding tax unless they are held in a registered retirement plan (RRSP or RRIF). Shares in TFSAs are subject to the tax.
This is a low-risk stock that offers an attractive yield. However, the upside is limited. Buy for the yield. - Gordon Pape
Only current subscribers of The Income Investor may view the details of this recommendation.
Interactive Performance Chart
T was first recommended here on May 14, 2012