Picks Update

TC Energy Inc. (TSX, NYSE: TRP)

Calgary-based TC Energy operates 93,600 km of natural gas pipelines across North America.

TC Energy has been split into two parts. The original company holds the natural gas and nuclear power plant assets. The spin-off, South Bow Corp., owns the liquid pipeline assets, including the Keystone Pipeline.

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Income Investor

In October, the company completed the spinoff of its oil pipeline assets. Stockholders received one share of the new South Bow Corp. (TSX: SOBO) for every five shares of TC Energy they owned. So, for every 100 shares of TRP in your portfolio, you now also own 20 shares of SOBO. The stock closed on Jan. 24 at $34.94. After the spinoff, TRP lowered its dividend to $0.8225 per quarter ($3.29 annually). The stock yields 5.0% at the current price. Investors who held on to their SOBO shares, which we advised doing, receive a quarterly dividend of US$0.50 a share, for a yield of 8.2%.


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TRP was first recommended here on July 24, 2003