The company owns and operates Canada’s largest natural gas distribution company and provides distribution services in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and New York State. The company is stepping up its activity in the renewable power sector including wind farms, solar, and geothermal energy. The company employs 11,000 people.
Wealth Builder
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Income Investor
Enbridge stock is up almost 10% since our last review in November, despite the fact we have not seen fourth-quarter results yet (they are due in mid-February). The shares got a boost when the company announced a 3% dividend increase in early December, the 30th consecutive year the payout has been raised. Effective with the March 1 payment, investors will receive $0.9425 per quarter, or $3.77 annually. That drops the yield below 6%, but it’s still attractive at 5.8%. - Gordon Pape
Only current subscribers of The Income Investor may view the details of this recommendation.
Interactive Performance Chart
ENB was first recommended here on August 23, 1999