
Power Corporation of Canada (TSX: POW, OTC: PWCDF)

POW spotlights the disconnect between share price performance and total return.

Power Corp. of Canada is a diversified holding company with interests in financial services, communications, and other business sectors through its wholly owned subsidiary Power Financial (Power Corp. bought the remaining shares of Power Financial in February 2020). Power Financial is the holding company for the Desmarais family’s financial interests. The company owns 66.8% of Great West Life, Canada’s second-largest life insurer, as well as 62.1% of asset manager IGM Financial, which owns Investors’ Group and Mackenzie Investments. Power also owns 14.1% of European conglomerate Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA (GBL) and 74% of Wealthsimple Financial, an online advisory platform.

Income Investor

The initial recommendation was predicated on Power Corporation’s above-average dividend and the company’s history of increasing the payout on a regular basis. Nothing has changed. - Richard Croft


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Interactive Performance Chart

POW was first recommended here on July 29, 2021