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Big tax bill

Question – I need your help.

I am on a pension of around $70,000 plus CPP. I just retired and had a payout in 2018. I’m doing my taxes and as of now will be paying around $6,000. My question is should I get a spousal RRSP to defer the taxes or just pay them now and get it over with? Looking forward to your response. – M.H.

Answer – a spousal RRSP makes sense.

Gordon Pape answers a question The one-time payout clearly puts you into a higher tax bracket so contributing to a spousal RRSP makes sense if it appears your spouse will have a lower marginal rate in the future. You’ll earn a refund now at the higher tax level, but your spouse will presumably pay tax at a lower rate when the money comes out. In the meantime, the contribution will earn tax-sheltered income. But you need to move quickly. The deadline for contributions for the 2018 tax year is March 1. – G.P.

This question and answer first appeared in the Internet Wealth Builder (IWB). Subscribe for 3 months and maximize your RRSP’s potential!

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